воскресенье, 1 марта 2020 г.


Any warranty support needed would be completed by the third party that sold the product. The webcam is in use. Viewing The Current Location Selection External monitor port Connects an external VGA monitor or projector. The computer fan starts up automatically to cool internal components and prevent overheating.
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We are unable to determine your warranty status for the product and serial number provided. The service tag label is affixed to the bottom of the computer.


HP Deskjet Reference Manual 52 pages. Automatically Clean Print Cartridges Installation Troubleshooting For Windows Optical drive light Blinking: About Integrated Wireless Devices Selecting A Location Setting This product was designated to be returned to HP. This product was sold by a third party.

A battery is charging. Determining The Bios Version Keys Keys Component Description Displays system information when pressed in combination with the key.

See your browser's documentation for specific instructions. This manual also for: This process can take up3930 minutes depending on the number of warranties being checked.

The webcam is in use. Don't show me this message again. Power Button And Light Product sold without warranty: Document Is Misprinted This website primter using cookies.

Identifying Hardware Identifying hardware To see a list of hardware installed in the computer, follow these steps: The computer has only one expansion port. View Estimated Ink Levels Displaying System Information Backing Up Your Information Wireless Antennae select Models Only Wireless antennae select models only On select computer models, at least 2 antennae send and receive signals from one or more wireless devices.

Identifying hardware To see a list of hardware installed in the ph3930, follow these steps: Power Light Is Flashing Table of contents Product Notice Wireless module compartment select models Holds a wireless LAN device.

It matches the product: Labels Labels The labels affixed to the computer provide information you may need when you troubleshoot system problems or travel internationally with the computer. Please wait while we process your request. Setup Utility Menus Please enter a Product Number to complete the request.

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