среда, 4 марта 2020 г.


I also noticed that the MAC address shown by the utility did not match the one on the bottom of the AP -- the utility showed " What did you do? BTW, if anyone would like to know more about the inside of an ME without having to rip up a functioning one, e-mail me and I'll be happy to send pictures or answer questions. Obviously, since this one was used, I have no warranty or any expectation of support from Netgear although I'll probably ping them anyway. Has anyone ever killed their AP in this way?
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All I could imagine was that the firmware file I'd loaded had been invalid, or that I'd loaded it incorrectly. However, my initial attempt at configuring one as an Access Point Client failed; the AP's did not seem to be communicating.

I also noticed that the MAC address shown by the utility did not match the one on the bottom of the AP -- the utility showed " When I attempted mw102 connect through the USB interface, my laptop described it as an "Unknown Device" and did not load the proper driver.

So, I downloaded a version 1. What did you do? The settings that were restored did not appear to be default values at all: In the process of troubleshooting this I visited the "Wap11 Hack" webpage at http: The Mail Archive home wireless - all messages wireless - about the list Expand Previous message Next message.

Obviously, since this one was used, I have no warranty or any expectation of support from Netgear although I'll probably ping them anyway. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

One of the AP's was bought new from a retail store; the other I got from an Ebay seller. Reply via email to. Josh Freeman Sun, 02 Feb Both AP's worked fine as stand-alone access points, although the firmware was slightly different New AP: I downloaded the Atmel SNMPManager mf102 in order to have the additional test and configuration ability that it offers over Netgear's packaged utility.

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I found this to be very strange, so I set out to upgrade the firmware in hopes that perhaps "normal" defaults would be restored. Greetings all, Here's my situation: Has anyone ever killed their AP in this way? It came with a utility for upgrading via Ethernet.

Thanks, Josh Freeman freemanj at email dot uah dot edu. Skip to site navigation Press enter.

Netgear Me102 Dfu Driver

The Ethernet interface did not come up either a Fluke LinkRunner shows it as an "unpowered hub". Previous message View by thread View by date Next message.

Netgear, however, doesn't show rev 1. The power light came on, but the second Fdu with the antenna symbol did not. Having nothing else to lose, I disassembled the AP in hopes of finding a reset or boot-mode jumper BTW, if anyone would like to know more about the inside of an ME without having to rip up a functioning one, e-mail me and I'll be happy to send pictures or answer questions.

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